What should we do now?

jwan heah
Keep Things Positive

With the global epidemic of Covid-19 and the ensuing movement control order (mco) here in Malaysia, many SME businesses are facing unprecedented issues not only in their organisation, but in almost all aspect of life. I have been having multiple discussions with various SME owners and everyone is facing difficulties. We are all in this together.

Nobody can tell you what to do or even give you proven advice, and let us be honest, anyone who does claim they are experts and give you advice, they’d have to have lived through the Spanish Flu of 1918. These are unprecedented times and we are facing a global epidemic, everything but the kitchen sink has to be thrown in to it. Based on my experience and multiple discussions, here are 3 small things that i believe SME/small business owners can do and adopt during these troubling times to hopefully help surf through this storm.
The 3Rs.

Continue reading “What should we do now?”

The 3 R’s

Shared my 3R’s for keeping your team motivated and productive during these challenging ‘lockdown’ times. Watch the video and let me know if i can help you with anything. Stay safe and stay healthy everyone!


The Lockdown Episode #1

This global epidemic is going to change the way we do business forever. There are few key things that organisations, especially the less ‘resource filled’ small SMEs. My views here in this video.

#mondaymoves is a free initiative by hanzphotography.asia &jwanheah.com .
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Price War

Sad to see so many companies around me going under in these troubling times. Alot of them were running extreme slim margins, mostly caused by years of competition and lack of innovation.

How to win in bad times

The recent Corvid19 virus outbreak hit the global economy with no concrete end in sight, it is going to take a while before the economy picks itself back up again. Here in Malaysia, the weekend’s exciting political drama has yet chucked another spanner into the works sending the stock market and ringgit plunging. What am i to do during these trying times?


Going bankrupt whilst making a profit?

Thats right! You can go bankrupt whilst making a profit! How does that happen?

Does your business suck?

In our second episode of MONDAY MOVES we look at a couple of things you should take notice of to determine if you’re actually an entrepreneur or a wantreprenuer. Cold hard facts that determine if you’re running a business or you’re just mucking about.

Is my business idea viable?

You’ve got a great idea and you’re thinking about starting a business, here’s 2 key things you should look at before jumping on the business band wagon.